Bug with turning collision on and off.

dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I found a problem with turning collision on and off. If I have say a player and a floor actor and I have collision on just the player then turn off the collision at any given moment and the player is still touching the floor the engine seems to not realize that the collision is turned off. However, if the player were to say jump then try to land again the player will then fall through the floor. I've tried several different methods of turning the collision off but nothing seems to work so I'm now assuming it's a bug.

I also posted this in Working with Gamesalad as a question but nothing worked so I'm guessing it's a bug.

Thank you.


  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Hmmm. I actually just simplified it to just the rule with collision to turn off after a set time and an actor with accelerate and it falls through after the set seconds. It might be all my other logic on the player, input and so forth that's confusing it. So I guess it's NOT a bug. haha Sorry.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Just setup a constant accelerate down behavior outside of any rules to simulate gravity. It sounds to me like you are only accelerating down when your at the top of your jump.
  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    No that's not it. I have Accelerate on at all times. I'm not sure exactly what was going on. I had lot's of other logic on it. And I simplified it and it worked but I found a way around it so things are fine now. Thank you though.
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