Help! My entire project doesn't work!

RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Ok, so I was working on one of my projects. I wanted to transfer the data of one actor to another by dragging it into my behaviors. So when i transfered it, i dragged it and nothing happened. It was as if the entire group was invisible. The "drag behaviors here" bubble disappeared though. I just though it was another GameSalad Glitch so I saved and restarted GameSalad. Then it happened. I think Darren had a similar problem. I cannot enter any of my actors! When I click on them, it pops up as the actor on the top of the screen but otherwise, only the resources box disapeares! I hope I can fix this, I worked really hard on my game!


  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    Thats what I think, but, I can't even access them!
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    Well, I have an internet backup, and when I restored the file, Gamesalad Didn't open it! The icon bounced on the dock, and then the dashboard opened up, but nothing else happened!
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    Do you think it might work if I went in and deleted the actor and the my behaivior inside the package contents?
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    OKay, i did that and it did not work. I did make multiple copies. And now these all do not work. Note that Gamesalad couldn't open them before I edited the package contents.
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    I looked into the package contents of these files. The guser file now appears as a terminal icon. When I open it up, it says the following:

    Last login: Tue Jul 12 14:43:09 on ttys000
    You have mail.
    /Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare\ to\ be\ Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser ; exit;
    little-mac:~ rumikhan$ /Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare\ to\ be\ Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser ; exit;
    /Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare to be Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
    /Users/rumikhan/Desktop/Dare to be Square.gameproj/rumikhan.gsuser: line 1: `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'

    [Process completed]

    Little Mac is the name of my Macbook
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    inside the package contents you see the .gsuser file? delete that out of one of the copies and then try to open the one u took it out of
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    I'm going to cry.
    There are random actors placed randomly.
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    Okay, I just realized something. All my previous versions I backed up with my Online backup service won't work either, yet this happened today and these backups are from a few days ago!
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