My app seems to get logged out from Game Center after a certain time?

gamesmoldgamesmold Member, PRO Posts: 279
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi there,

first of all - sorry in advance for a double post, but I fear this question is better located in this thread than where I originally placed it as a reply ('GC best practices' in 'News from the dev team').

Game Center works fine, but when I let my app run for a very long time (even having it sleeping in multitask and after a day or so resumed playing) then it often happens that the showLeaderboard behaviors don't work any more.

Then, when I let my login button fire another 'login to GC' behavior, they work again.
How do I solve this? It doesn't feel right to fire a login behavior every 5 secs, just to make sure I stay logged in.
Or is this just a sandbox issue?

Thanks a lot, Thomas


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