Collision detection working in preview but NOT in WEB preview (html5)

scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Has anyone else had this problem yet?

I have a simple FPS type thing going on with baddies coming at you by using a timer with change attribute width to width+1 and height to height+1 to simulate getting closer. (I tried using change size and interpolate with 0.9.4 but it would not detect overlapping with bullets at all so I used the change attributes in a timer method).

This system is working great in regular preview, but when I try web preview the bullets have no effect on the baddies.

Any ideas?



  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Here's another weird bug. When I turn off a rule and test it in preview the rule shuts off. When I turn off a rule and try WEB preview the rule stays on. I have tried saving before previewing and get the same thing.
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