Having issues with my touch controls

TobyToby Member Posts: 478
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have managed to get my joystick working and fire button, but I have noticed a bug that occurs which I cannot seem to solve.

I have used codemonkeys thumbstick example to make the required joystick which operates just fine, I have added a simple fire button which when touched and held first (touch 1) causes the thumbstick (touch 2) to become locked and snapping to the left?. Touching the stick first (touch 1) and then the button (touch 2) is perfectly fine and works as desired?



  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    This isn't going to help much but I had the same kind of problem.

    I got round it by making my ship auto-fire, thus negating a button! :D

    Would that be something you could consider for your game?

    QS :)

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    Anyone? I guess the issue is with touch2.
    Touch one works fine on both fire button and stick control. Touching and holding the firebutton first (touch one) and then try to grab the stick is where the stick refuses to move.
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    This is the tech support forum... yes?

    If I'm a pro developer where is the 'Direct Customer Support ' that comes with my subscription?

    Hmmmmmm, maybe going Pro GS is not the best option. SNIFF*
  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    Disappointing, I'd have hoped for some, any support with this issue.
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    @Toby: There are no special Pro members' forum(s) that us mere mortals cannot see?? Hmm. Any e-mail address your supposed to use to get their attention? Phone number?

  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    @Toby: This is just the general GameSalad forum. It's my understanding that if you get a Pro membership, you get direct email contact with the developers.

    We're all pretty much new here, I've only been using GameSalad for 8 weeks. The people here are pretty friendly, and if we can help you, most of us will do what we can.

    With your particular problem, you're just going to have to try and figure something out. Try everything you can thin of. Even if you are able to get in touch with the staff, they're not going to change the engine. You just have to work with what you've got. We all just have access to the same Behaviors and Rules that you do. You'll need to come up with a creative solution. That's part of the fun/frustration of making games!

    Also, there is a big deadline for the MacWorld contest on Monday, so I imagine people are busy polishing up their games.

    When this deadline is over, more people should be around to help.

  • kietzkietz Member Posts: 49
    im using the same template and having the same issue. I even tried the updated version of the thumbstick and button template but it still has the same bug in the controls!

    Im wondering if anyone has figured this out yet, id rather not post a new topic if someone knows a way to fix this.

    One thing is i did notice is that when i made the touches visible they seemed to stay onscreen until i touched another location. This could be part of the problem because i think the system reads the touches the wrong way and results in the onscreen joystick becoming "locked" in a direction.

    Anyone know how to make the touches disappear when your not touching the screen? ive tried to create a rule : when touch is released destroy this actor, however that has not worked.

    Any ideas?

  • 2-Bit_Tom2-Bit_Tom Member, PRO Posts: 34
    I don't know if these are related issues, but I just grabbed and installed the latest viewer on my iPhone and the very first touch input in my game doesn't register. I can hear the sound effect so something is happening when I touch the phone, but it won't do the rest, and therefore i cannot play my game to test it out.

    It works just fine when I play it on GS editor, I can mouse click just fine, but touch on the viewer is not working.

    Please help, I'm so close to finishing my game...all sound effect are done and added and I just need to test. =(
  • 2-Bit_Tom2-Bit_Tom Member, PRO Posts: 34

    I should also mention that there is no animation playing on the viewer either. The fires no longer burn and the clouds don't scroll. I am running a release version of the viewer. I'm thinking of switching to debug to try it that way.
  • 2-Bit_Tom2-Bit_Tom Member, PRO Posts: 34
    It doesn't work in debug either... I guess I'll just wait for an answer...
  • 2-Bit_Tom2-Bit_Tom Member, PRO Posts: 34
    Tested on iPhone 4 and it runs fine. iPhone 3GS is still a no go, basically the game freezes when it loads, but still plays music and the very first touch sound effect.

    My new sounds work great, the game plays silky smooth. I can't wait to release it. Just gotta work out the 3GS issue first.
  • kietzkietz Member Posts: 49

    i made my touches visible, added a color (red for touch 1, blue for touch 2) and made the touches 100x100 pixels so i can see exactly where my touches are. This was helpful to realise the problem i am having with the touches on my thumbstick.

    Are you using the thumbstick template?

  • OzzleOzzle Member Posts: 1
    Hello, got the same issue. The first one to touch will take control of the other if it gets touched. I was hoping this release would fix it but nope. I thought this would be one of the more important bugs to fix, with the multi-touch being all the rage. Just make a simple example with a paddle on both ends of the screen with each their own touch controller. You will see what happens. Two inputs at the same time, one will take over and control both.
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