View won't load game

VirtualNomadVirtualNomad Member, PRO Posts: 6
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have a problem with the gamesalad viewer. It runs on my iPhone and GS on the desktop connects to it, but it won't load a game. I click the preview to iPhone and GS then says Loading Game, and after that nothing happens at all.

Please help


  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    do you have the newest version?
  • VirtualNomadVirtualNomad Member, PRO Posts: 6
    I've looked at the app on my iPhone and it doesn't say which version it is. So I guess my only option is to delete it and rebuild it with the latest download.
  • VirtualNomadVirtualNomad Member, PRO Posts: 6
    Have downloaded the latest viewer xcode project and built it and still get the same behaviour. Viewer says loading then nothing happens on desktop or device.

    WHAT CAN I DO???
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Maybe you need to delete GScreator and reinstall it? not sure. Does your mac meet the minimum requirements?
  • VirtualNomadVirtualNomad Member, PRO Posts: 6
    Just done that. Deleted GS Creator and reinstalled it completely. My machine exceeds the min spec completely so that can't be the problem.

    No idea what to do to get this sorted out now!
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    The first scene (top left scene of the scenes list in the Project Editor, Scenes Tab), is playable through the Preview Player(Green Play arrow at the top center)?

    i.e. When you start the preview on iphone, it takes the first scene. If there is an issue with that scene, then you probably won't see anything.
  • dandan Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 28
    This may be a shot in the dark, but I've seen this problem before on some wireless networks.

    Try creating a wireless network directly from your mac. In the airport menu in the menubar, choose "Create Network...". Then, in your iPhone's wireless settings, join the iPhone to the newly created network.

    See if the GameSalad Viewer is able to connect and load a game this way. If so, then it must be a network issue.
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