GS Preview not registering Macbook Pro Trackpad taps. Clicks work fine.

xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So this one has been puzzling me for a couple weeks now... I'd have expected other people to have the same issue, but I don't see anyone else mentioning it and searches are coming up empty..

I recently bought a new Macbook Pro which has the multi-touch trackpad. I was using a 2007 macbook until a couple weeks ago with no problem. The issue I have is that CLICKS of the mouse work fine in Preview, but taps (which should register as just a click) do not. If I double-tap it seems to register as a click, and some single-taps register, but it's either delayed by about half a second, or it doesn't register at all.

The pertinent rules in my games are "actor receives event mouse down" and "actor receives event touch pressed" and both have the same issue. Everything other than GS Preview works fine.

Anyone else see this too, or know what might cause this? Or have the same setup but not having this problem?
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