Watch Out Danger Ahead

MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
So, Watch Out Danger Ahead (WODA for short) is my new game I have been working on, and I've decided to give you guys a sneak preview as I start uploading it to Apple. The game is a minimalist platformer that combines tranquility and simplicity with extreme challenge and frustration! On the surface the game may seem easy, but it's truly about level memorization and learning from your mistakes.

Check out the official trailer below:

(be sure to watch in HD)

I'll keep you guys updated for when it officially goes on sale.



  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    That looks quite nice :) I like the text as instructions on the 'walls' as it were.

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Nice mate. I actually saw a pre-sneak preview when i checked your blog and saw the trailer :D

    Thought QS would like the look of this one
  • MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181
    Thanks. I was trying my best to "Do" and not "Show" which is something games are starting to lack. But of course the only thing I could come up with was to integrate the tutorial as instructions on the wall. I'm actually thinking that a future update will have a level set that will tell a story as you play through... maybe, we'll see.

    You mean my blog with like, 2 posts haha. I need to work on that. In an unrelated question.... is you name based on the band? I've been meaning to ask!
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Mrshoestore said:
    You mean my blog with like, 2 posts haha. I need to work on that. In an unrelated question.... is you name based on the band? I've been meaning to ask!

    Ah ha, mon the biffy. It was indeed based on the band Biffy Clyro, i USED to love them but you know, as musical tastes change, i've kinda grown out of them but this name is one i always used so its stuck ever since :)
  • MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181
    haha, understandable. Here in the States they are (at least were) on a record label that was looking to sign one of my friend's band, but since the record label was offering a pretty awful deal they turned it down. I somehow I ended up with a couple of the label's promo cds, including stuff by Biffy. So whenever I put iTunes on shuffle, I'll be like "Wait, what is this song? Biffy Clyro? Who's that?... Oh yea..."

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Ah i see. My only small claim was that i nearly bought the lead singers guitar, there was a charity auction on ebay, i came drunk from the pub, put my bid in, was highest bidder, never refreshed for the minute and lost it by a quid! D'oh. Still, in hindsight, im glad i didnt now :)
  • MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181

    So today my game (both full and lite version) were accepted by Apple!

    But I am waiting until next Thursday release. I wanted to have some time to make sure everything is good to go with the app (good description, keyboards, etc.) and I've yet to finalize a static webpage for the game. Plus I have a guy who is going to attempt marketing, so this gives him an actual set in stone deadline that he's got to get his stuff together by.

    All in all, with wrapping up this, and starting up TOTB3... I'm thinking it will be a busy week for me!
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Congrats mate, good luck, will look out on thursday and make me a purchase :)
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