Gameplay Lag and out of sync

AppChogieAppChogie Member Posts: 503
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi I have noticed that some of the my games when created and loaded on the iPhone run out of sync and even lag? Is there a limit to the memory that you can have loaded per game? I have to remove scenes to fix the issue, but its not ideal as it plays perfect within GameSalad creator.


  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    My advice is to buy an old itouch or iphone3g and test each level you create.
    The very first time you run your game after install on a 3gs is al
    most the same as older models. 2nd time run on 3gs is a lot faster.

    So, if it runs on an old device then you will be ok.
  • AppChogieAppChogie Member Posts: 503
    Sorry fail to see how that will help as its a problem with GS not the device as the GS engine emulator should run within the boundaries of the device and what you create on the mac should play the same on the iPhone. I am running all my apps on a 3G.
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    I would also suggest rebooting your device to free up any lost memory. Is your device jailbroken? Background apps could also be interfering with the performance of the game.
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    " the GS engine emulator should run within the boundaries of the device and what you create on the mac should play the same on the iPhone."

    I'm sure this will happen eventually. Remember it's Beta =) Probably more pressing issues to contend with. At some point I bet they have unsimulated, & then simulated for each iPhone type. Just like xcode can do. Just a guess though.
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