Poor support for Pro users

gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am a pro user and have been trying for 3 weeks to get a solution to the iPhone incoming call bug that came about since the 0.9.3 update, and am still waiting.

I have emailed GS support countless times about this, and the only response, "our QA is looking at it".

This is a really bad support situation, as you have people who have paid for your service, but you give none.

People have had to postpone submitting games to Apple, and stop development all together because of really, really bad bugs that should never have been released.

Come on, surely you can do better and provide much better support. If you can't then you should not be taking our money.


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    GameSalad is beta software and the main service you have paid for is the use of extra features. Not one on one support for just your issues. I have talked to GameSaladmany times and I assure you if their software is causing you an issue they care. But this is programing so the fix is not always right there in front of them and it takes time. They have not just decided oh well were not gonna worry about a bug that is causin games to crash. Beta software will always have some bugs and we will have to live with them until they work them all out.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    We are not only paying for extra features! As they state on this page (http://gamesalad.com/membership/pricing) they are also selling priority support.

    This they have not supplied. Not even given a reason for the issue. So it is not good enough in my opinion. Hiding behind the "beta" excuse doesn't cut it either. Just how long are they going to be in beta, my guess, forever!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    here we go again...

    You bought a pro membership while in beta. Priority support doesnt and never meant they will get to the bug fixes YOU want first. trust me if you had a issue with your project not running or somethign like that they would take care of it right away.

    now quit the complaining
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