• Where I'm at with my projects...

gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hi guys; thought you might be interested in the progress of my projects. I've yet to get any one of my apps finished, let alone into the App store. Half of my trouble there is I start a game, work on it for 1 to 4 months; then another concept comes along so I start working on that one... I know I'm not the only one like this!

I got so fed up with this that I did two things: I got my ton of GS-related files and spent a good 4 hours getting them into a decent filing system + folders. It had got quite out of hand and I had the majority of files per project in a folder but not in separated folders in that. Anyhow, now I can find any asset,sound, gamefile, template guide, tutorial, etc; straight away. I can strongly recommend doing this to your files if you haven't already! The second thing was a decision: put the 5 projects on the backburner for the while and concentrate on the sixth only. And this sixth is less complicated than the other five, so I'm aiming to have it finished in a maximum of two months. At last, I'll say, I've finally finished a GS app! It's a puzzle game, for interest. It might be yawnsville for some people, but I'm hoping it'll interest others! I wait to see.

Here's 3 of my app. projects on the backburner if you'd like to take a look. (Some of you might have seen the first two, some the intro to the 3rd; sorry to bore you if you have!)

Glub and the Organitron Caves:

Ancient Ones: Discovery. (there'll be a small puzzle to get through the door eventually):

THis third one I started for the iPhone but when I get back to it eventually, it'll be for the iPad. You might notice that I've used some of the graphics produced for Glub; I'll eventually change the Glub ones, I think.

Boto and the Isms:

Really appreciate any more comments/critiques from the little there is here/opinions/advice/suggestions/money... OK, forget the money. ;-)

""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps


  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    Looks just as good as the last time I saw the videos. My advice put a password lock on the folders to all projects except for 1 and finish that one. Oh and have that friend make the password so you can't touch them until you finished the first game. Good luck!
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    GamersRejoice said:
    Looks just as good as the last time I saw the videos. My advice put a password lock on the folders to all projects except for 1 and finish that one. Oh and have that friend make the password so you can't touch them until you finished the first game. Good luck!

    haha what i nice idea. Me too have the same problem as gyroscope. Right now the game folder where i save all the GS projects i have started, has already 12 files on it. I wish i have enough time to finish all of those within this year.
  • kapserkapser Member Posts: 458
    Don't worry, you are not the only one putting projects on hold because of a fresh new idea come to your mind. I have started over a hundread projects. I guess it shows you are passionate about game design, it's just hard to stick on one, I am always working on 3-4 projects at a time. Working on a small project to relax while working on a huge ambitious project can be fine, but more than that is pretty foolish XD

    The tricky thing is, sometime it's the best choice to cancel a project while others you just need to give yourself a kick and believe in it :)

    There seem to be already good efforts put in those games. Maybe you could focus on Boto and the Isms, looks pretty cool.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi GamersRejoice; yes, t'is a nice idea, as drahc said!

    Hi kasper; you've confirmed I'm not the only one jumping from one project to another! Glad you like the look of Boto and the Isms. That'll be started again in a couple of months time.

    Hi again Cardinal; glad also Ancient Ones: Discovery appeals to you! I hope a lot of other people as well will consider it an instant buy when it's in the app store; I can only wish!

    As you know I wrote the order and timing of 3 of my projects on one of your threads, but I'll repeat it here for others who might be interested and haven't read it:

    I'm aiming to get my puzzle game done and dusted in 2 months max, say end of July; I think I'll get Boto and the Isms up and running then and if I put my mind to it, that could be finished in 3 months or less. So that brings me up to end of October. I'll guess that the adventure game will take 3 or 4 months max. bringing it up to February next year. Or sooner, if I get my skates on... :-)

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

  • TheodiTheodi Member Posts: 96
    Hey Gyro, I really like the Ancient Ones, I was looking to make my own game similar to that but more of a medieval style. i like point and click type things. Did you use any reference to make it? I wouldnt know where to start on a game like that.

    Also did you take the photos yourself or did you create them somehow?
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi there Theodi; really pleased you like my adventure game-in-progress too! Not sure what you mean by using any reference, allthough it's based (or will be based) on the format of a fine tradition of point-and-click adventures, and i've played quite a few over the years. The first one i played must of been some of the text ones (with single non-interactive graphics) on the Atari; Monkey Island; the excellent Presto Studios stuff like The Journeyman Project, Syberia, Myst, etc; etc. ... I'm bound to be influenced by all of them in one way or another although I'd like to think the gameplay concept is original to me!

    The photos are montages and worked on/filtered in Photoshop from copyright-free stuff from the internet.

    There's a few GSers making/have made adventure games: stormystudio/TheMoonwalls/ Joe of FireMapleGames/Cardinal spring to mind (sorry if I've forgotten anyone!)

    Despite some Forum members thinking it's the easiest type of game to make, they might not be up-to-date with "modern" P&C adventures that include puzzles. Even if it doesn't (it doesn't have to) there's still a fair bit of Ruling to do for collecting and using stuff, using keys, etc. The inventory system might stump some people for a while to get up and running. And certainly the pre-planning and preperation including writing the story is more than any other type of game.

    I look forward to seeing your P&C medieval game and best of luck with making it! Personally, out of the few types I've started, I find it the most absorbing (as well as the most time-consuming....)


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

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