Not loading...

lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
edited November -1 in Tech Support
It seems as if this level is NOT loading for me...

I can't figure out why. It goes all the way to the end with the blue bar. Then, the image disappears and so does the blue bar.


  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Ya that's a GameSalad problem. Sorry about that mate.

    Matt :D
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Open the GameSalad program, click the "New" button on the left and search for the same title, you can get it that way…Unless it's your file you are talking about that's uploaded...
  • lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
    This is MY level I want to share.

    It stops loading on other levels too!
  • sparkisosparkiso Member Posts: 1
    Something similar is happening to me.

    I upgraded to 0.9.4 and tried to upload an app with a target platform of to the website. The project was originally an iPhone portrait platform but functioned fine in GameSalad preview when I switched it to a platform. Upon uploading it to the GameSalad website, the screen says it is loading my project but once the loading bar disappears, it turns to black and the GameSalad logo is displayed in the middle of the loading screen with no screen shots from the app.

    My previously posted apps from older versions of GameSalad load and work fine. :(
  • lukey5227lukey5227 Member Posts: 111
    Yeah, all apps uploaded after 0.9.4. are screwed up. Dang, I uploaded the game 1 minute after I updated it :P. But I'm uploading to GameSalad in iPhone Landscape and its doing exactly what you described, sparkiso.
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