9.3 UnPause bug

bluelotusbluelotus Member Posts: 96
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Updated to 9.3 and now the unpause feature causes some (not all) of my actors to tun into white boxes. Can't figure out if there is any rhyme or reason to why some but not all of the actors are affected by this. Anyone?


  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    I'm not sure if this really has anything to do with it or not, but I do not normally use the Change Image behavior. Instead I use Change Attribute of self.Image to the file name of the image I want to change an actor to. I used Change Image at one point the other day, and I had the white boxes problem in Preview. I changed it to use Change Attribute and the problem went away. May be related, may not be. But I can tell you I have not had that problem otherwise.
  • bluelotusbluelotus Member Posts: 96
    @xarmian... yea i use change attribute self.image too. that doesnt seem to be the issue
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    bluelotus said:
    @xarmian... yea i use change attribute self.image too. that doesnt seem to be the issue

    A temporary fix is :
    When you change the attribute - self.image to for example "smiley1.png" , so drop the ".png" and change it to only "smiley1"

    It should fix this.

  • bluelotusbluelotus Member Posts: 96
    @pom... I am going to try that out, I'll let you all know if it does the trick :)
  • bluelotusbluelotus Member Posts: 96
    @pom... that did the trick! Seems that there is a new naming convention within the xml files and it leaves out the filetype suffix. Thanks a million! If you're ever in the SF bay area, I'll buy you a drink!
  • devjohnsondevjohnson Member Posts: 94
    Good job POM, I noticed this the other day and had scheduled tonight to figure it out. You save me a lot of time probably.
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