ChristianpowerChristianpower Member Posts: 12
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I know its a beta but its getting rediculous i can barley finish a set of rules before gamesalad crashes, the time is probably about 5minutes per crash sometimes a little more, and one time it quit out of a project i was working on and i cant open the file now and im pissed because i only had to make the enemies and then the games was done, aswell as the fact as i couldnt for the life of me figure out some of the things i figured out b4. is there a way to make gamesalad less likely to crash is my main Question.


  • ChristianpowerChristianpower Member Posts: 12
    I know its a beta but its getting rediculous i can barley finish a set of rules before gamesalad crashes, the time is probably about 5minutes per crash sometimes a little more, and one time it quit out of a project i was working on and i cant open the file now and im pissed because i only had to make the enemies and then the games was done, aswell as the fact that I cant for the life of me figure out some of the things i figured out b4. is there a way to make gamesalad less likely to crash is my main Question.
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    I am going to merge your two threads

    Cheers, Weswog
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    To answer your question there is no way to stop it from crashing unless its a bug in your game other than that there is little memory leaks that need to be fixed in order to fix the crashing but there is a lot of them squished now with the release of .9.3

    Cheers, Weswog
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