Can I open a Market For GS ?

JaloxinJaloxin Member Posts: 51
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Dear Support ,

I have a project For This Community , we are Gonna Lunch Soon a Store for GS Templates and Graphics and unfinished Games and Others .

So There is No risk For us to put your Logo beside our Name ?



  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I would not bother for a few reasons.

    1. It's been done before, a few times. I can think of 4 attempts over the past 2.5 years.
    2. More importantly, they are launching an official one this summer.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    jonmulcahy said:
    I would not bother for a few reasons.

    1. It's been done before, a few times. I can think of 4 attempts over the past 2.5 years.
    2. More importantly, they are launching an official one this summer.

    +1 no offense the communities shown many times there just not interested in something like tht. Like jon said tons of people have done it and i think the longest one of them has lasted was 4 days.We want an official maerketplace better monitroed by gamesalad, not someones website

  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    Plus, people take the templates and will sell them (without making changes). Which enrages the community and we ostracize the individual from the forums for doing it.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't sell templates. But I would suggest you carefully craft your marketplace and make sure that you're okay with anything and everything that happens. Maybe use copyright material that you 'allow' the purchaser to have individual rights and limited distribution rights over...
  • JaloxinJaloxin Member Posts: 51
    Thanks Guys , What you Think , It will be Just Like ThemeForest
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    we told you what you think lol. were not trying to sound mean but you have to understand when the marketplace section of the forum opened there was literally someone new every day doing exactly what u want to do with there own marketplace site. Not one of them got a sale and they were all shut down within days.

    Again sorry, but Its just not somethign the commnnity wants. We would rather get the stuff of the marketplace forum, or better yet the better marketplace thats on the roadmap.

    theres no want or need for a site like that. expecially with the changes to the marketplace coming
  • JaloxinJaloxin Member Posts: 51
    Ok Guys ... Thanks For the advice ... I think of something new ..
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