can't play caf files in iPad

ancchancch Member, PRO Posts: 103
I used caf file in Apple's music library. It plays in gamesalad during development. It plays in GS Viewer. But when I compile and upload app in my iPad, the caf files do not play only the ogg plays. I had used the same caf files before in my earlier app and it worked. Wonder why it doesn't work now... is it the version of gamesalad? or is there something else? Help!


  • ancchancch Member, PRO Posts: 103
    I used .caf audio file in Apple's music library. It plays in gamesalad during development. It plays in GS Viewer. But when I compile and upload app in my iPad, the caf files do not play. only the .ogg files play. I had used the same caf files before in my earlier app and it worked. Wonder why it doesn't work now... is it the version of gamesalad? or is there something else? Help!
  • E3E3 Member Posts: 20
    Ancch, I wish I had an answer for you but would like to share that we are having issues with our CAF files as well. We currently only have Music in our game as every single CAF file we use as sound effects crashes our game. We have 20 levels and although they do play(The sound FX), right around level 6 to 9 the game crashes depending on the device used. We know it's the sounds because when we turn them off in the options menu the game plays all the way through no problem.

    We are rebuilding the game from scratch on a fresh build to see if this is the issue but it sounds like maybe it might be an issue with CAF files. Not sure till you get something from a yellow or some other person. If we figure anything out I will let you know.
  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    Hi Ancch,

    It may not be related to your issue, but I had the same issue with my first ipad app ages ago. The issue for me was I had updated the file names from lowercase to uppercase, this caused it to work great in Gamesalad, but when I build to ipad the CAF's stopped playing! So if you have updated or re-imported the files, make sure the file names are exactly the same as in Gamesalad. To be safe reimport and create fresh Gamesald code for the CAF files.

  • luckyjamesluckyjames Member Posts: 2
    you can convert your caf to mp3 to play in your ipad with the following method
  • luckyjamesluckyjames Member Posts: 2
    you can first convert your caf file to mp3 or m4a with the following step by step guide

    then it is just easy to play caf on your ipad
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