Try out app on Iphone?

JANCKJustin94JANCKJustin94 Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So is there any way to publish my app without putting it on the app store? I just want the .app or the .ipa file for it! Or is there another way that doesn't involve becoming an apple developer to test my app on my ipod touch that's plugged into my computer?
If not then i have another question, the tutorial in the cookbook for how to put your apps online is outdated, the iphone dev center no longer exists. How would i go about testing gamesalad on my iphone/ipod now?


  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    You must be a registered Apple developer to access the provisioning profiles needed to test on a device. The iPhone Dev Center is not "gone", it just got a name change. Its now the iOS Dev Center. You can get your profiles at the iOS Provisioning Portal. Of course these services are only available for registered Apple Developers.

    - Alex
  • JANCKJustin94JANCKJustin94 Member Posts: 3
    I understand that it's now the IOS dev center but I cant find any iOS provisioning portal. I've googled it and searched for it on the website. Could you send me a link to it?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you have to pay the 99 dollars first if you havent already
  • JANCKJustin94JANCKJustin94 Member Posts: 3
    I have, I do have a license i just want 2 know how to test my app. Anyone want 2 send me a link?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    provisiong portal isnt under ios dev center. as soon as you log into you developer account when it brings you to where you can clickk ios dev center and all that, the top right icon is the provisiong portal
  • SynstealSynsteal Member Posts: 32
    If you got the the dev kit and downloaded xcode and the gamesalad viewer watch the this video by tshirtbooth it'll explain how to get the viewer to work and then you can test your apps out
    The video seems to be a bit outdated because xcode has been updated but you should be able to figure it out the premise is the same even though the format changed.
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