Can't get Particles to go opposite direction.

cwbh10cwbh10 Member Posts: 52
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am trying to create a blur like feel to my movement so I decided to have particles of the actor that start at 50% Opacity and degrade to 0% over the course of 1 second, and then destroy. I also set up the speed so that it is the same as (X Velocity + Y Velocity), but when I tell the objects to go to "-(Self.Rotation)" it won't work. I have tried many things, manual Vector etc.. I will post the game in my "Games" Section on my profile so perhaps you can see what I mean. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

Link Game:



  • cwbh10cwbh10 Member Posts: 52
    Note: I believe I have to find the exact opposite of the angle that it is facing. I tried putting in 180 as the direction and it caused the particles to move correctly only is the ball was going right to left, or left to right, but up to down or down to up didn't work.
  • heathccheathcc Member Posts: 113
    You probably need to use the Angular Velocity property of the actor. Then subtract (-180) to get the angle that is the opposite of the current movement.

  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    I don't know how this works in GS so forgive me as I haven't attempted it.

    But from an animation perspective, I would animate the particles to have no velocity at all. So that when your actor moves he leaves particles where ever he last was. I would imagine you can do something similar in GS. I don't know how that would work in GS as I think the particles spawn ontop of the actor...
  • cwbh10cwbh10 Member Posts: 52
    Sorry guys, I got a fix for this awhile ago, it works quite well. I do like your idea Disko, and will see how it compares to my current particles. :)
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