Animation Behavior Problem

osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey everyone,

I am trying to add an animation into my latest project, but it is not working properly. Here's what I have done.

1. Drag Animate Behavior into appropriate actor
2. Placed animated images into the Animate Behavior
3. Clicked Preview to view the animation.

When I click preview, I don't see the animation. I then go back into my code, but there are no images in the animate behavior. I then drag the first image back into the animate behavior, and then I see the rest of the images that were there previously. But when I go to test it again, the same outcome occurs. I have tried removing the animate behavior and putting it back in, but the problem still occurs. I have also tried relaunching GameSalad, but no luck there either. Has this happened to anyone else, and if so HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIX IT!!!!! Thanks everyone, your help is much appreciated.

- Alex


  • stevethornstevethorn Member Posts: 35
    I did have that weirdness before. Strangely enough, I deleted the animation behavior within my actor, then went to the 'images store' within the actor editor and selected all of the frames and dragged them into the Rules area, it created an animation behavior with those frames and behaved from then on.
  • QuinnZoneStudiosQuinnZoneStudios Member Posts: 452
    Could it be the difference between a Prototype Actor and an instance of the Prototype in your scene?
    If so, one might have the animation behavior in it and the other not.
    Hopefully it's something as simple as that. I'm always having to check that in my assorted actors.
    Good luck!

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Yeah it's a know bug since the update. You can drag the animate behavior out of the rule it's in, or if it's not in a rule put it in a rule and the images should appear. No way to fix it I'm afraid though :(
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    Yeah it's a know bug since the update. You can drag the animate behavior out of the rule it's in, or if it's not in a rule put it in a rule and the images should appear. No way to fix it I'm afraid though :(

    Damn it! Well thanks for letting me know John :(

    - Alex
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    Well I finally found a work around for the Animate behavior's problem. Ok, here's what you do.

    Rule: When Condition Is True...

    Timer: After 0.1 Seconds...Run To Completion
    Change Image to First Animated Image

    Timer: After 0.2 Seconds...Run To Completion
    Change Image to Second Animated Image


    Timer: After 1 Seconds...Run To Completion
    Change Image to 10th Animated Image

    Timer After 1.1 Seconds...Run To Completion
    Change Image to 11th Animated Image

    //End Code

    And so on until you have finished your animation. I tried it with my non-looping animation and it worked like a charm. Takes some time to implement, but if you ABSOLUTELY need an animation, like I did, this works perfectly!

    - Alex
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Yep keep in mind though that's 4 timers right there. It'll be fine for the fix, but thats not something u wanna go crazy with
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    Yep keep in mind though that's 4 timers right there. It'll be fine for the fix, but thats not something u wanna go crazy with

    Ya that's true. This is the only time I use animation in this particular game, so it shouldn't be a problem...hopefully.
  • aTozaToz Member Posts: 2
    Hello Everyone,

    Is this sorted yet ?
    Because I'm facing a similar kind of issue, where I've a Animate behavior for my actor with some set of images.But when actually I'm clicking on preview, I'm not able to see animation on my actor :(

    P.S I've an actor on my first scene which is animating in loop.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
  • aTozaToz Member Posts: 2
    Its working fine
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