How I'm marketing my new game PLOP Master

FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
I though I'd share some info on how I'm marketing PLOP Master and how things are going.

A couple of weeks ago I started writing about the forthcoming game on some of the forums like Toucharcade, Ifans, iphoneforums and of course the Gamesalad forum.

I made a gameplay video on youtube and some screen dumps that I made sure would be part of my posts. I made a web site (using Wordpress) and continued to work on the site until the release date.

PLOP Master was released on Friday the 8th.

I sent a mail, incl a small presentation about the game, with promo code, link to youtube video and site, to around 30 of the biggest review sites.

I wrote a press release and payed $20 to send it to around 600 recievers (Apple related sites, magasines, blogs etc).

I hit the forums again and wrote that the game was now released. Wasted 5 promo codes on the Toucharcade forum. won't to that mistake again. Grabbed by lurkers and not really any response about the game.

Wrote about the release on Gamesalad forum and got some solid suggestions that I'll use in the first update.

Wrote on my Facebook page that my game was released and urged everyone to download it.

Added the game to where it now has one (1) fresh. :D

OK So where are we today..

A couple of the review sites have returned my mail, begging for money to review the game.. which I won't give them.

A polish site refered to my press release and also beg for money to review my game.

A chinese app site asked me for promo codes for a competition, so I gave them 3 promo codes, for which they were very grateful.

That's about it. Sales are slow but I think they will pick up once the game gets reviewed. (I hope so).


  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    You might want to try the news paper of the city you grew up in. Sometimes they will feature successful people from the area :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Thanks for sharing that!

    I did pretty much the same re: use PRmac, get lots of emails for unmissable opportunities that you had to pay for, announce on forums, made a youtube vid etc.

    I tried to engage more actively with people that were interested in/had bought the game.

    Rather than just stick some promos up and waiting for people to anonymously take them, I gave them out to a few people that were really interested in it via PM (i.e. the most likely buyers! - and also to the wonderful chap that posted a picture of the band, Air Supply, in the TA forum - gave me a good laugh!).

    Most of all, I tried to make the interaction fun. I listened to what the players had to say, and responded to every question with either details of how I would address their issues or why I couldn't/wouldn't.

    I also emailed my friends and family who had iPhones to let them know the game was out, and used Twitter a hell of a lot.

    Some stuff happened randomly - people making video reviews of the game, for example, or writing reviews when I'd not even thought to request them from particular sites.

    This was really wonderful, as these were all really nice people, who I enjoyed talking to, getting to know, and as a bonus, helped promote my game a bit due to their enthusiasm for it.

    Other stuff happened that was out of my control - Non-English speaking territories would see a sudden surge in sales (Japan, *during* the earthquake stuff, bizarrely bought a lot of Air Supply - I was both hugely honoured and a bit concerned that surely they had more pressing issues :( ).

    Obviously I had no influence over this as I don't speak the language. But something happened there, and in other territories, and sales were pretty good.

    What I'm trying to say is, try and engage one to one with people. They appreciate that you take the time to respond to them individually (and believe me, it takes a lot of your time up).

    But I think it's worth it. They're people who also have opinions, likes and dislikes, and you can have some lovely chats and insights into their world while also gathering valuable info for both current and future releases.

    We make games firstly for ourselves, but once they're 'out there' they belong to the players. And their opinions matter!

    Updating your app based on user feedback can make your app better too, and it gives you something new to post about. I'm submitting the third update in a month to Air Supply today. And this seems to be the pattern I'm falling into:

    1. Spend a month recovering from the last game, getting everything together for a new game, trying out code, ideas, getting graphics and music and whatnot.

    2. Spend the next month making the game. Adding stuff. Testing. Always testing. Add more. Love your game. And then finish it!

    3. Spend the third month pushing the game - responding to people on forums - individually if need be. Get user feedback. Act on that feedback. Update your app. Start looking towards the next game having learned a lot from the one just made!

    I think the key is:

    *Have a good, fun game.
    *Engage with your audience.
    *Send out promos to websites with youtube vid(s) and information. Try and be professional but a bit informal too. Make it personal.
    *Inject some personality into your promotion. Make people remember you!
    *Never, ever, get big headed or complacent. Every sale and satisfied player is a gift. Never forget that.
    *Don't expect anything, but work towards achieving some reachable goals.

    Having said all that, there are people here who have sold many thousands more than me and been far more successful. This is just what I'm comfortable with personally, and, as they used to say in the old days, "Screenshots may vary" :D

    Good luck!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    Good advices.
    Quantumsheep: I'm finally taking a look at Twitter. Been avoiding Twitter since I first read about it but finally I feel I actually have something to say. :)
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    Here's the chinese review / promo code giveaway:
  • superluzsuperluz Member Posts: 20
    Hi Fogelberg,

    Could you share the list of review sites which they didn't beg for money.

    Thanks a lot and good luck with the sales.
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    I'm actually really surprised that so many review sites ask for money, that seems so ridiculous to me. Reviews are supposed to be objective opinions, how can you be objective when an exchange of money is involved?
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Also, would you mind saying which review sites asked for money so that we might avoid wasting a promo code on them.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Dizko said:
    I'm actually really surprised that so many review sites ask for money, that seems so ridiculous to me. Reviews are supposed to be objective opinions, how can you be objective when an exchange of money is involved?

    I cannot agree with this more. +10000

    I have never paid for a review, and I doubt I would. It's just not kosher, right?

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Dizko said:
    I'm actually really surprised that so many review sites ask for money, that seems so ridiculous to me. Reviews are supposed to be objective opinions, how can you be objective when an exchange of money is involved?

    I cannot agree with this more. +10000

    I have never paid for a review, and I doubt I would. It's just not kosher, right?

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    The hall of shame for sites that want money to review your app (help me out here if you know more):

    So far:
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    Oh man this one is the "greatest".. check this out. The promo code I sent to IGN... found its way to this dude's facebook friends. And this dude named Damon Hatfield happens to work.. guess where. Yes he works at IGN.
  • sebababisebababi Member Posts: 51

    It would be nice to have a list of sites that review games for free !!!

    I've seen that Weswog, does reviews of games for instance:


    PileUp Pandas Game
  • youappyouapp Member Posts: 1
    Thank you for your codes and sharing our website as well! And if you have any needs of promotion, welcome to contact me!
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    sebababi said:

    It would be nice to have a list of sites that review games for free !!!
    I will soon add a list of all the sites I mailed promo codes to, that didn't reply they wouldn't have time to review it. Just waiting a few days to see what happens.
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    youapp said:
    Thank you for your codes and sharing our website as well! And if you have any needs of promotion, welcome to contact me!
    And I thank you for your interest. Much appriciated. :)
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    One of the biggest games/media/gadget blogs in Sweden Feber, wrote about PLOP Mastet today and called it a "quite OK game".

    Oh and I'm on Twitter now:

  • superluzsuperluz Member Posts: 20
    Thanks for sharing your experience....

    I have to start right now to write emails to game reviews sites.. ;-)
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    First review in English..

    (scroll down a bit)
  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    That review sucked... Your game deserves a much more meaningful review.
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    outasite said:
    That review sucked... Your game deserves a much more meaningful review.

    Luckily I didn't pay for it. haha
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    Hmm... You guys that have english as your native language. Do you associate the word plop with poop? Should I change the name to something else with the next update? What do you think?
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member, PRO Posts: 2,033
    yes mate. Plop could = poo :)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    no american english does not consider plop as poop. I would associate it more with sitting or maybe dropping something
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Sparkyidr said:
    yes mate. Plop could = poo :)


    I kept meaning to say that I think the name is your biggest weakness as the game itself looks ok!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Its a tricky one... certainly 'Plop' has been used by quite a few generations of middle class UK kids of a very young age 'Plop plop' is the more common usage but it is falling out of favour with the more discerning toddler.

    It is likely to do as much good as harm and unless it gets heavily picked up on I wouldn't worry about it too much, it could well be a boost to sales.

    edit: paying for reviews is a joke and totally pointless.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    but I also agree with QS :) the name could be a problem :\
  • FogelbergFogelberg Member Posts: 103
    Ok point well taken. Think I will change the name slighty in the next update. I will introduce some new fun stuff then as well.
  • iSpreadNewsiSpreadNews Member Posts: 3
    Our service is goodhelping, too. You just need to try. We work with different countries, so a big part of the world will find our about your app. Here is the pricelist
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