ad hoc publishing

app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I know there are loads of ad hoc threads but I couldnt find any confirmation on my question.

i created Distribution certificate, device id (ad hoc i hope), app id

and provisioning profile.

Do i need to run xcode to build or just publish from gamesalad??

also, and through gamesalads publishing I feel like im submitting it to the app store! its not doing that right?



  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    Ok i decided to press publish and the app file appeared on my desktop, great.. then i dragged it into itune apps, I sync, but now it says could not sync nearly all my apps i think because of authorization issues, i click store authorize this computer and it tells me its already authorized. what now : (
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you need to use a adhoc distrbbibtuion provisiong profile when you publsish. You the have to drag the .app file gamesalad gives u back and the adhoc porv profile into itunes
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