why does my game run choppy on 3gs with total 30mb

app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
edited November -1 in Tech Support
my game is running at 59-60 frames per second
images 19mb
sounds 69kb
game engine 8.4mb
other 3.7mb
total 31 mb.

should it be stopping and stuttering all the time and running choppy?

I do have two character run cycles with 9 images each always running. and one of the character pick up objects which I have coded as destroy object when it collides.. could that be the issue?



  • Mcreator83Mcreator83 Member Posts: 120
    there should not be a problem. in my game hungry worms i can have 6 different worms each with a 7 screen animation plus the apple, its shadow, background. but my images are a lot smaller in size one worm image is about 5kb those with no reflection that is.

    making the images smaller should help so try it and then run a test again

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    try making an ad hoc build and see how that works. the viewer can be buggy at times.
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    ad hoc?? whats that? sorry im a beginner
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    app-etite said:
    ad hoc?? whats that? sorry im a beginner

    Well you are telling on your self for not reading the documentation on this site or anywhere else. Go check out the wiki.
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    cool!! thanks..so ad hoc is for when you need people to review or test the game right.. so how can I set it up then?
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    made an ad-hoc and its exactly the same as the GS Iphone viewer which is dissapointing.
    Is there anything in the way I have coded the game to make it so jerky? on a ipod retina its the same.

    any ideas how to fix?
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    I have two actors with 9 frames of animation each looping, and about 15 scrolling actors, all movable and scrolling backgrounds.

    Is that to much maybe?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    It really shouldn't be an issue. In the bottom right of the page is a link to submit a bug report. Submit your issue there and d you are willing tell them you would be glad to send them your project. Theyshould be able to look your project over and find if the issue is your code or a bug in GS.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    15 scrolling backgrounds is probably too much. You can make a test copy of your file just so you can edit safely without screwing everything up in the original, delete most of those backgrounds, and see how it runs.
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    sorry slick zero forgot to mention that the 15 actors are only small objects about 128x64 each, I only have 2 background images at 512x512.

    Thanks tenrdrmer, I will give that a go now.
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