In this game i am working on, you are a pair of hands at the bottom of the screen and you have to catch the stuff falling from the sky, please critique me as hard as you can.
SlickZeroHouston, TexasMember, Sous ChefPosts: 2,870
My only critique is you should provide more info about the game!
ok, well there is an easy, a medium, a hard, and impossible mode. Easy, every 2 seconds something falls. Medium, Every 1.5 seconds. Hard, every 1 second. Impossible, every .5 seconds, and instead of a pair of hands, there are two separate hands that you control with different fingers.
thanks, but I wont be able to unless I can actually make some decent graphics, I posted something on the art and graphics thing if you could help me out
Are you going to have the player catch food? Or, catch coins and such?
Are you going to have the player moving them up and around or just left and right?