WTF - iPAD Errors! "backup session failed" "data class information"
this is not directly GS related, but it is stopping me from showing off the App
I spent all night working on for the art show! argh.
here they are:
"iTunes could not back up the iPad "NAME"
because the backup session failed."
well, that's obvious, isn't it? And so helpful. it failed, because... it failed.
"iTunes was unable to load data class information from
Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later."
This I have no idea.
Do any of you recognize this issue? And what to do about it?
This is why I don't use Windows. ;-) To avoid such messages.
I'm trying to update the iPad's OS from 4.2 to 4.3, but it won't do it, sticking at one of these points.
I spent all night working on for the art show! argh.
here they are:
"iTunes could not back up the iPad "NAME"
because the backup session failed."
well, that's obvious, isn't it? And so helpful. it failed, because... it failed.
"iTunes was unable to load data class information from
Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later."
This I have no idea.
Do any of you recognize this issue? And what to do about it?
This is why I don't use Windows. ;-) To avoid such messages.
I'm trying to update the iPad's OS from 4.2 to 4.3, but it won't do it, sticking at one of these points.
so I did the "Restore" which made things work again, and updated the iOS firmware...
but then noticed to my HORROR... all my save files on games, synth apps, etc are GONE!!!
which is hours of creative (and time wasting) work lost!
And even $$, because my purchased options are lost in some apps!
I'm also STILL getting those messages as above.
What can I do? Is there any way to get those files back, btw?
#1 advice in computers - BACKUP, BACKUP!
I figured the laptop backup of the iPad was enough, but I guess not.
Lesson Learned! If you make something you really want to keep, export it somehow.
maybe I'll take it to the Apple store now... see what they say
I'm not going to be very happy if all my progress is gone on these games! I had a couple paused near the final level
User beware!
if the backup process doesn't happen correctly before a "restore",
then you are in danger of losing ALL YOUR DEVICES' DATA FOR ALL APPS.
Hundreds of hours of progress on various games**, music making apps, art apps.
they tell me that in-app purchases are restorable? but other than that IT'S ALL GONE.
I will never trust this to automatically work again. There is no "perfect computer", we are reminded.
If something actually matters, back it up in at least 1 other place, if not 2.
There is a manual backup option somewhere on the iTunes.
but somehow that got messed up as well.
they said it had something to do with the fact that I have the Developer kit on my computer?
so that could effect ANY OF YOU.
I will cross post this on another thread.
**this will be my reminder - it's worth my time to MAKE games at this point!
but probably to much of a waste to spend a lot of time playing them.