Review : to : Download Percentage Ratio?

Roughly how many (authentic) reviews do you generally receive in comparison to downloads?
For example for every 100 downloads you receive 5 reviews? (5%)
I know this can be difficult to work out accurately using sales data but think this would be interesting to learn more?
For example for every 100 downloads you receive 5 reviews? (5%)
I know this can be difficult to work out accurately using sales data but think this would be interesting to learn more?
I'm exploring a theory that the more reviews, the more downloads snowball etc, just trying to work on that first snow flake lol :-)
So I guess 0 then
I sode it for 999.99 for 1 day and no downloads
I'm sensing the review numbers are quite low, maybe from now on i'll review every single app i ever download lol.