Is a bug or just my error?

DsAngelDsAngel Member Posts: 29
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi! Here to ask for some help! :) This problem i hv encounter during i hv my screen on Landscape Right on accelerometer. Need help to chk that hv i put anything wrong on place they not suppose to...

Disclaimer:... have search through the forum and watch tshirtbooth video but still cant solve this problem.

The Situation:-
When i on Landscape Left using accelerometer it work great but when i change to Landscape Right, that where the problem come. When i tilt right, work normal but when tilt left... It refuse to go left..

Here is the rule look like:-
Rule Accelerometer Right
attribute game.screen.interface.orientation is Landscape Right <---for Chking orientation
attribute game.Controller = 1 <--- for chking is using accelerometer "i hv support 2 ty control,other is touch"

Move Left(Rule name)
Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y < -0.1 <---chk if i hv tilt left
Change Attribute
change self.motion.Linear Velocity.X to : -game.Speed <-- This part have problem.. if i
replace the game.Speed with number exp:"200" it work
but not when i put game.Speed.

Move Right(Rule name)
Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y > 0.1 <---chk if i hv tilt Right
Change Attribute
change self.motion.Linear Velocity.X to : game.Speed

Move Stop(Rule name)
Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y >= -0.1 <---chk if i hv tilt more than that
Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y <= 0.1 <---chk if i hv tilt less than that
Change Attribute
change self.motion.Linear Velocity.X to : 0

1. game.Speed <-- this controller how fast it move
2. I use Linear velocity coz wanted to hv a linear speed
3. The same way been using in Landscape left work!
4. If i have miss anything else, do let me know! :)



  • DsAngelDsAngel Member Posts: 29
    Umm... Dont know how to say this but... It seem like it solve it self! :) After a full day of fail trying, it just solve it self without the need of changing anything. Which mean maybe just a minor bug?

    So, i just wanna thanks God that now with this solve, i can cont. to develop other things... Hope can start sell it by begining of May! :D

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