Glitch In Viewer

SpielgoSpielgo Member Posts: 39
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I downloaded the latest build of the gamesalad viewer and installed it on my ipod. When I tried to play one of my games on it, the actors were invisible! They were there and I could interact with them, but I could not see them. The only exceptions were text and shapes created in gamesalad. Does anybody know why this is happening?


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    invisible or white? is everything there when you just preview in the creator?
  • SpielgoSpielgo Member Posts: 39
    I believe everything is white but it is hard to tell because it is a white background. One 'invisible' actor does intersect a black line and part of the line is not shown, so I believe it is white. As for the creator, it works perfectly and shows up like it should.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Thats an issue with your images. you have prob replaced images in your game with other images with the same name but if any of them say have a capital letter like Image.png and you replaced with a lower case image.png it will view fine in the creator but wont in the viewer or app builds cause its looking for the one with a Capital I and not a lower case I so thats what you will have to check. if you can find where the problem is you can show package contents of your project and edit the names but if you can find the problem you will have to create new actors to fix it.
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  • SpielgoSpielgo Member Posts: 39
    I will try it out.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Me too Im getting the white box on the viewer
  • SpielgoSpielgo Member Posts: 39
    I tried replacing one of the images to see if it would work but the actor is still white. The funny thing is that only images I created in photoshop are white. Images I created in sketchbook express, like the info and credits page, show up perfectly.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    that happened to me a few times in .9.1, but after updating to .9.2 it seemed to have stopped.

    whenever I saw it I would just restart GS, and reimport the problem images
  • SpielgoSpielgo Member Posts: 39
    I got it working. I reimported the images using a different file format (my original format was png and I reimported it as a tiff) and now it appears fine. Thanks for the help!
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