Juz: And The Missing Guitar Picks (PLATFORMER) FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!!!

Hi guys, some of you might remember me. I haven't visited here for the last few months because of other things going on in my life. I originally started making games in GS to fill in some time away from work and my band, until lately while music has started to happen and take shape a bit. I was left with the obvious decision to put GS games on the backburner indefinately.
HOWEVER! I've made my platformer free for a couple days in celebration of my band Tria Mera having just played a major Australian festival with Iron Maiden, Slash, Queens of the Stoneage and around 60 others. Check out the trailer above, and tell all your friends to grab a copy now before it goes back to 99c.
Thanks again to everyone here at GS who helped me with the little problems and getting this game happening!
iTunes Store Link
Old Thread
How were the sales?
One of those 115 was me!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Had 1800 downloads on day 1, and 3300 on day 2..