2 buttons, 2 separate jumps, no double jumping help

app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
edited November -1 in Tech Support
hi guys,

im trying to make the most simple game but turns out its not so simple. (for me).

please take a look at the attached Picture to see my problem and drag it to your desktop to see it full size.

any answers at all are appreciated.


-appetite games.



  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    woah.. thats a 2000px pic why is it such poor quality? sorry
  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    please download the image for high quality so you can see the details of my code.


  • app-etiteapp-etite Member Posts: 139
    ok I have got it to work..finally! if you need to know let me know.

    Just one tiny miner problem still though. If I press jump and immediately press the other jump nothing changes in mid-air which is good, but then when he hits the ground he will bounce up by himself, but it only happens the first time i do it and then wont happen again.

    Any Ideas, thanks

    -appetite games
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    you could make a boolean gameAttribute called Busy leave it unchecked (false)

    then on each of your jump buttons:

    Rule (All)when
    Actor receives event touch is pressed
    Attribute game.Busy is false

    -- changeAttribute game.Busy To: true
    -- do the jump routine
    --Rule when
    --- Actor receives event overlaps/collides with ground
    ---changeAttribute game.Busy To: false

    this should only all one of the buttons to trigger and the other to ignore user input...during jump...

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