Would you use this? (Legend of Zelda Template)

I'm thinking about making a template for a legend of zelda style game. It will be like the early, 2d zelda games.
Walking around
Collecting items
Talking to people
Using weapons
Touch support (think phantom hourglass controls)
Would you buy this and also, what other features would you want?
<edit WOOPS! forgot the poll edit>
Walking around
Collecting items
Talking to people
Using weapons
Touch support (think phantom hourglass controls)
Would you buy this and also, what other features would you want?
<edit WOOPS! forgot the poll edit>
- Alex
Making a Zelda game has always been a dream of mine.
I have these working:
walking around
collecting items
the sword
locked doors
destroyable walls
boomerang - for stunning enemies and picking up objects
bombs - which open walls and destroy enemies
keys - to unlock doors
uncrossable water and lava
the hookshot - for going over water and lava. only hooks into wooden objects. also picks up objects and kills enemies
blocks you can push to make chests and keys appear
i also have the darknut enemies working with some basic AI. Killing a darknut might result in it dropping hearts or rupees.
I made all of that in 3 days! Mainly because I was obsessed, but also because GameSalad was so much fun and easy to work with!
I eventually abandoned the project though as it would have taken way too long to make something good. A Zelda game needs so much content!
Another issue is the virtual joystick and buttons which take up half the screen, and are not nearly as satisfying as physical ones.
Someday I might revisit it, who knows!
but the stylus for the DS is so precise! With large fingers all over the screen it might be awful...
And there's still the content issue! So much animation, art, storyline, etc...
Spirit Tracks is sooooo beautiful and amazing! I think I played it for like 100 hours! (mostly trying to get all of those darn rabbits everywhere!)
No concern of screen size limits and controls can be out of the main viewing area as well. Could even have stats list or inventory page all at the same screen even :P
Also, whats the best sound sites, the other links are ok.
Sorry, I don't really know. I'm only 13.
...and I started working seriously on it this year...
It's almost done!
If Door Locked is false
Then open
Else collide with hero
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
I don't think I'll ever tire of playing that game
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io