L3D - LED 3-in-1 1970's handheld action! Out Now!

It's out now :
Anyone fancies a promo code, just drop me an email - sparky(at)indiscriminate.co.uk and ye shall receive.

just top let you know. V1.1 was submitted this morning. Found a pretty annoying bug in game-3
if you are playing game 3, and see no gap to go through, it's actually in the same place as the last gap... so stand still and you will pass through. (Sparky's workaround-tm)
grrrrrr. Dunno how this one didn't crop up as I was testing, but hey ho!
(so far only had 1 email, and code sent out)
any chance a mod could edit the original post for me?....seems I have run out of time to do it
(and changed your email)
Downloading now
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
ta lad.
Got 76 on game 1 - will have to practice more!
Just a thought - is there a pause feature? I know that it might jar a little with the look of the game though... Hmmm...
Maybe make it so that a two or three finger touch on the main screen pauses the game?
Enjoying it though - great to see something different!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Probably our worst sales ever in a launch week unfortunately.
.....just checked the figures
18 in a week.
It was free for the weekend....but still only managed around 600 downloads
Seems it's REALLY not a goer
Oh well...onwards!