YEARS in the making, MONTHS waiting for approval, WEEKS in Review! It's HERE!!!!


  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    YEARS in the making?

    And of course good luck and congratulations!
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

    I wish this was my first instrument! (I've started with a trumpet in December)

    Now there is one more to approve ... and then my home run is complete!

    Btw, this one is for iPad but I hope the iPhone version will be approved before the weekend (wishful thinking, i know) ....
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    I am sitting here ... thinking "WHAT am I forgetting????"

    p r o m o codes for ALL my friends who are married with children :)

    I hope your kids will love this one as much as i would if i still was one ;-)
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    I thought you already had the trumpet one out?
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    dreamlab, you're thinking of this one:

  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
    it takes months for them to approve? Damn!
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Asymptoteell said:
    dreamlab, you're thinking of this one:


    what is the difference? Sorry but they just look the same to me. Can someone point it out?
  • ScootsScoots Member Posts: 507
    Congrats on another fine looking app XyloFun, wishing the best with sales!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    DreamLab said:
    what is the difference? Sorry but they just look the same to me. Can someone point it out?

    congrats my friend!
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    BramHoskin said:
    it takes months for them to approve? Damn!

    YES because there is "ear training" and if they truly have to test every option of an app, then SOMEONE LOL got some music lessons and is ready to go pro anytime! :)
    DreamLab said:
    what is the difference? Sorry but they just look the same to me. Can someone point it out?

    They look (gulp) the same?

    Well, the new one has 14 sounds (the old one has 7)
    This one has ear training (the old one does not)
    This one is 3.9 MEG (the old one is 8.4 MEG)
    This one is cool (the old one is cold)

    As soon as Apple approves the iphone version, it will be my first app that is simultaneously available for the iPhone, iPad and MS Windows platform as seen here:

    Come to think of it, I better update the link on that page while I'm at it!
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Scoots said:
    Congrats on another fine looking app XyloFun, wishing the best with sales!

    Thank you Alex :)
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    ones ipad ones iphone

    congrats my friend!

    John, I was hoping that the iPhone version would surface first but Apple rejected it for not making a sound. As if that is important!
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    believe me, do not take my opinion on this. I have seen the game maybe a couple times. the only reason they look the same is the layout and they are both trumpets. I know its a great app because I HAVE seen them.
    Good luck! they look excellent!
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Thanks DreamLab (i was just kidding with my reply ... you know how it is on release day .... adrenalin rush, excitement, the whole universe flashed right in front of your eyes ... like Nicolas Cage when he fell from that high rise to become human (in the movie "City of Angles"))

    My first app was the trumpet back in December. I had a working Flash version and all I did was to recreate it as best as i could with the help of John Papiomi-this-is-how-you-do-it and a few others who meant well.

    The size alone speaks volumes! I have a much MUCH more capable app at half the size :)
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    My suggestion, if this one is basically an improvement over the other one, is calling this one "little composers trumpet PRO" and then showcase the improvements.

    But I'm not experienced with app marketing, so maybe I'm wrong.
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Asymptoteell (that is quite the spell you've got there),
    i am undecided if the old version will live .... or not.

    As I said, it was my first app and only received maybe 30 or 40 sales and about 15000 free downloads. I was new to everything back then ... didn't even know what mobile apps were when I started and therefore made some mistakes as far as marketing goes.
    My only luck back then was that I didn't have to pay a professional to code for me as that would have killed my little adventure right then and there.

    In a way, I am very thankful to GS for having empowered me to do this (with the help of the forum) myself and yet, I have grown distant from the GS concept and strive to offer all new software from now on without splash screen.
    Everybody knows what that means so let's be grown-ups and not dissect it to death because nothing will change ... except we do.

    And that is a good thing :)
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    One question. and you can pm me if you want lol. WAS this made with GS? sorry if I didn't get the implied statement in that brief explanation.
    just curious. Im sure everyone understands why if it wasn't
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    DreamLab said:
    One question. and you can pm me if you want lol. WAS this made with GS? sorry if I didn't get the implied statement in that brief explanation.
    just curious. Im sure everyone understands why if it wasn't

    all salad ;)
  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    Yes, it was made with GS!
    I have just recently purchased the Corona SDK but hope to have two small apps out early next month!
    In a way I am very lucky because my apps are really really simple. If I were to produce games, I am sure that I could not do it via coding because of the complexity involved.

    After the trumpet for the iPhone gets approved, I will take some time off and work on Windows only versions because I think that I can move those via craigslist:) The first one is downloading well which is no wonder as all free apps do but the difference is that now, I have an email address and know my customer. With Apple, I don't :(
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