.92 doesn't work on my ipod

daverennerdaverenner Member Posts: 133
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I installed the latest update, but when i launch the GS Viewer on my ipod, it displays the logo then exits!!!! Ugggg!!!! Any ideas?



  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    This happened to me (well, kind of). I essentially did the usual things, restarted my device, then went through the tutorial video again from the point where you plug your device in. Make sure you change the path of your game (i.e. com.drglickert.gs is mine, it was com.gandelgames.gamesalad). Also, I think I deleted the viewer completely and then installed .92 onto it.

    Give that a try and see what you come up with.
  • daverennerdaverenner Member Posts: 133
    I did all that already, but just for giggles i did it again. Now, in xCode, it compiles and installs then it launches on the iPod. The logo appears and thats it (it stays running). xCode says GDB running.
    Now if i launch GS on the iPod, the logo appears then GS exits right away. Oh wait, now it doesnt exit right away, the logo just displays and nothing else happens. I rebooted it several times, deleted it, reinstalled, change WiFi networks, tried everything!!!!
  • daverennerdaverenner Member Posts: 133
    I did all that already, but just for giggles i did it again. Now, in xCode, it compiles and installs then it launches on the iPod. The logo appears and thats it (it stays running). xCode says GDB running.
    Now if i launch GS on the iPod, the logo appears then GS exits right away. Oh wait, now it doesnt exit right away, the logo just displays and nothing else happens. I rebooted it several times, deleted it, reinstalled, change WiFi networks, tried everything!!!!
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    I dunno Dave. Best answer is wait a few hours and post this again. TSB is good about things like this. Or, wait until tomorrow when the GS staff is around to check out posts every once in a while. They're fairly good at helping out people with the viewer. They're probably enjoying a day off (on Sunday) and might even be off tomorrow. Give it some time man. Sorry I couldn't help more for ya.
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    I think that might happen if your provisioning profile has expired, check that if you haven't already.
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