Red Block now on the app store!

Get the most awesome app ever!
Thanks Darren for the free template!
Thanks Darren for the free template!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
America has nothing to worry!
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I'm guessing he is getting the hang of gamesalad
Great game dude looks great
Good luck with sales
I have some suggestions. These are meant to be constructive, so I hope you take them as such!
1. The music. I cringed. Is it Kevin Mcleod? I didn't see a credit anywhere. I've heard that particular track *way* too many times. If it is one of Kevin's, give him some credit firstly, and secondly, listen to his music. REALLY listen to it. There's a HUGE selection of tracks you could get from him for free. It doesn't always have to be the one everyone else is using!
2. When I restart, a black block is sometimes in front of me, killing me instantly. When I retry the level, the red block is nowhere to be seen. I had to restart the game by quitting it completely then starting it up from scratch.
3. Your 'Pause' and 'Exit' buttons are in really bad places. I found on numerous occasions that I was either pausing the game when I wanted to flip gravity, or quitting out to the menu. 'Pause' and 'Exit' are two buttons that you will seldom use. Darren's template had the right idea making the left side of the screen 'jump' and the right side 'Flip Gravity'. I would move these two butons (pause and exit) to the top centre of the screen.
4. I don't remember seeing any animation. I think the bookshelves are fine, but the main character just has no... character. I know he's just a red block, but make his eyes wobble maybe? Turn him upside down when gravity flips? (the template already does this for you!). Move his mouth a bit?
5. There's also no sound. I think the template had an alarm sound for when the baddies appeared. This doesn't seem to have any. Not even for button presses.
6. Lastly, and this is not aimed just at you - if you're going to use a template, that's fine. They can be very useful shortcuts when developing a game. But please, please please - use it as a foundation. Add to it. Change it. Improve it. Do *something!*.
Also, leaving your promo codes out in the open like that will likely lead to Rotstik getting to stick his knife in. Get ready for that!
Hope you don't take too much offence, and I look forward to an update!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'd disagree. Templates are there to build a game on. Starting out is fine, but publishing them just does no favors to the gamesalad image amongst customers.
Either way , have u downloaded the game?
Play it and see how it plays before posting a post that makes the person feel bad
What do u get out of that? He's changed the images and has given credit to darren
He has given credit to Darren
Just think if he didn't make this post do u really think people would talk bad about his game
If u saw this game on the AppStore , what would u do? Are u gonna email him and tell him how u feel
Does that mean when RodH uploaded all the gamesalad templates, if he made a post here giving credit to gamesalad it would be okay? Hell no
Looking back my first games were terrible but most people here humoured me. I'm not saying what he did was right but maybe just easy off a bit.
@ forklift you made changes though. If you put your game and shadow runner side by side they look like differnt games with different elements. You took out the swtich gravity button, and took out the top objects and such.
Again this isnt meant to be a attack on MWFPRO, my appologies
but if you put his game next to shadow run, it looks EXACTLY the same just a graphics switch.
When it comes down it to if were all gonna have a gamesalad splash screen, statements like this need to be made not to bring down the name of every gamesalad game. IF we didnt have the splash screen i could care less what he does, cause it would have no effect on me and what i do with the software
Again this isnt meant as a attack on anyone and i apolgize again, that just needed to be said though. Ill be easing off now, and good luck to you MWFPRO with your future game making.