72 dpi has to be EXACT?

BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
I know graphics have to be 72 dpi and stuff, but when i put my image saved as 72 dpi it says something like 71.89 (thats not exact but it was something like that). So i change it to 72 dpi and save. Later I open it again and it says it's 72.5 dpi (or something like that).

So my question is,
does it matter???


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    are you using photshop?
  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
    in case it matters heres the exact sizes:

    first time was 71.984

    second time it was 72.009
  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644
    Just put them in a GS project and see if they are blury. If they are not, I think it won't be a problem at all.
  • anithmukanithmuk Member Posts: 235
    yeah I had that problem with gimp. however I'm pretty sure gimp gives the info in ppi not dpi, maybe that's the difference? Either way my images are all about 72.1 d and/or ppi and they look fine.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I've seen gimp do this also to some of my art. Never affected anything
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Both my draw10 and Gimp do this all day long and sometimes in the 80s. Like the others said just make sure they're not blurry. I even notice Gimp will give me a .0011something in the app when I resize art to whole numbers, sometimes after several tries it stays a while number but that doesn't seem to do anything for the export and 72dpi
  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
    k thanks everybody
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    Photoshop will do this sometimes as well.
  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
    happens to me in gimp too. I get 72.111 all the time. Did a lot of testing on GS Viewer, turned out OK!
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