9.1 bug

ChirpinGamesChirpinGames Member, PRO Posts: 214
edited November -1 in Tech Support
In Gamesalad 9.1 it appears that 2 or more actors all using the same prototype behaviors are "talking to one another" in that behaviors that are only meant to be applied to them get applied to all actors based off the same prototype.


  • LordTarantorLordTarantor Member, PRO Posts: 890
    I am creating a very long portrait game and in some scenes I have 102 instance of 1 prototype and it works perfect.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    I've seen this happen before but not as a consistent bug that I could pin down to anything. Seems to happen very occasionally (perhaps due to some corruption in the project file). Try remaking the prototype actor.
  • ChirpinGamesChirpinGames Member, PRO Posts: 214
    Thanks for the help guys. I re-built it but it was still doing it. The way i fixed it was to not only have on release - do action but to also add mouse position - inside as well and that seems to have fixed it :\
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