app won't publish

forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Having trouble publishing. I'm in GameSalad and have gone through the whole process and am currently looking at the review screen. I hit the publish button and agree to terms. It says uploading, complete, receiving app, signing app package... I choose where I want it to download, but it never downloads. Little help please?


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Make sure you selected the correct distribution provisioing profile from the dropdown menu
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    I have chosen the only one, the one for iphone and my current game, which I just set up in the apple dev web page.
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    Thanks. It is saying that my certificate in the keychain isn't trusted. Know how to set it to always trust?
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    Ahh.. just double click the certificate to set trust levels. It's trusted now, but still not saving the app.
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    In regards to this possibly being my problem:

    Publishing is not working for me because it stays on the review tab after the project is sent and it asks you to save the file but the file is never saved.
    --Test publishing with the blank template to make sure a small project can go through and that your provisioning profiles are valid. There may be a problem when your game is being code signed.
    --Check in your Keychain Access that you only have one developer and one distribution profile. More than one can cause an ambiguous error. Check the 'login' AND 'System' keychains.

    When I go to login and system chains, what am I looking for? in the login of course i have the AWDRC, but what am i looking for in the system keychain? I have 3, and 3 and 1 dashboard advisory.
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    I have gone through all the steps multiple times and I'm losing my mind here. What in the world does "There may be a problem when your game is being code signed." mean? I've gone through this for the ipad before without problems... but now for the ipod touch, something's wrong here.
  • forkliftforklift Member Posts: 386
    Sorry for the trouble. All is good now. It was a firewall issue.
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