Cafe Rush HD submitted !!
Hi all,
Aftfer 5 days of hard slog I have submitted Cafe Rush HD for approval. I'll include more details once it's out. But here is a very little trailer. I am in the process of iPhone conversion of it.

For me the most pleasing thing is that the entire game is just one enormous scene (with 8 different camera positions), so no loading times at all.
Let me know what you think.
Aftfer 5 days of hard slog I have submitted Cafe Rush HD for approval. I'll include more details once it's out. But here is a very little trailer. I am in the process of iPhone conversion of it.

For me the most pleasing thing is that the entire game is just one enormous scene (with 8 different camera positions), so no loading times at all.
Let me know what you think.
Good luck fella!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Here's the whole scene:
The tope left panel is actually the menu and the 'please buy some other games' links page, just the buttons that all change around and back again.
Must say big thanks to Darren and Wayne for their GS resizer tool, it is really really amazing. Cut the conversion process from about 2 days down to 2 hours.
Here are the screenshots for itunes (quite pleased with them).
Yes, the GS resizer tool, thanks to Darren and Wayne, is just AMAZING! Can't imagine not having it now!
But, saying that I just hired an artist in Australia to do the characters for my next game.
Stu, this is why you've been my inspiration
All my games on Google Play