1300 downloads in the first day free :)

Yesterday I've put Gruesome Alien Slicer and Defuse HD free.
Gruesome alien slicer has been downloaded 1070 times
Defuse HD was downloaded 1300 times
How does this compare to your experience?
Do you think I should add iAds?
Gruesome alien slicer has been downloaded 1070 times
Defuse HD was downloaded 1300 times
How does this compare to your experience?
Do you think I should add iAds?
But whether or not to ad iads...
If your already a pro member add the ads as it cant hurt.
But maybe wait and see if sales get bigger before making the jump to Pro if your not.
I had similar sales daily for a lite version of my game Quake Builder. Which led to around 5 paid sales a day for the full version.
But I recently made the full version free and it was getting 75,000 downloads in one day...I've since added adverts and with around 10,000 downloads a day I'm getting between $25 and $50 a day in ad revenue.
But its on a slow decline, so I've got some other sales ideas planned.
Hope that helps.
You should release a Quake Builder 2, as a paid version!