Bug with GS Y axis?

Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have been trying to tinker with the Y axis in my new game, but GS does not seem to recognize that my dimensions are set to 480X640.

I was wondering if this was an issue with GS or maybe I'm just doing something wrong. To make everything perfectly clear I made a short video to display the issues that I am having.

Video here:

Hopefully one of the GS team members can put in their expert advice since they are aiming for a more open channel of communication.


  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    I actually just ran another test while I was waiting for the video to upload. These were my findings.

    Seems that while testing game GS adjusts, so the screen you see is always the "graph" 480x320.

    So no matter where you are or how big you scene is the bottom left corner will always be (0,0) and the top right will always be (480,320)

    This should really be fixed, but that is just my opinion.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    that shouldn't be the case, I've got a scene that is 3000x3274 and I can spawn anything in any section of the game. if I have my camera area in the top left, the top corner is 0,3274, and the top right is 1024,3274.

    do you happen to have a layer's scrollable unchecked?
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    No my layers is scrollable.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    idk if this could be the cause

    I noticed that I cannot change my game attribute screen size. it is stuck at 480x320 I can only change scene attribute size to 480x640, but then again I have never tried this before so it might be like that for everyone.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    yea, that's very bizzare.
    if you want to email me you're project I can take a quick look
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    gameAttribute screen size is locked to whatever device you are building for, so that's normal.

    screen attribute size can be changed to whatever playable area you want.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Any idea on how to get the attention of a GS member on this issue. I would like to see if they have a suggestion as to what the cause is.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Well just to see if it was a random bug that may have appeared I loaded one of the earlier files from my game and it has this same issue.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    use the contact us page below.

    but i don't think it's a bug, I'm doing something very similar in my project with menus, but I don't have any spawn or destroys, I just move the actor on and off screen.

    I have something like this:

    when mouse is down
    constrain actor x to mouse x
    constrain actor y to mouse y

    when mouse is released
    move actorX to -50
    move actorY to -50

    I'm also shrinking the object down to 10,10 when it's off screen and enlarging it to the right size when the mouse is clicked

    all of this is taking place in an area that would be 0,2048 to 1024,3072

    i think you might have some funky / conflicting constrain attributes going on. what I would do is have 2 constrain rules on your player actor that just constrains the X and Y position to two attributes you created, like PlayerX and PlayerY

    then on the crosshairs, when you click down, change, not constrain, (or spawn) the crosshairs position to game.playerX and game.playerY

    then only constrain X and Y position of the crosshairs to the mouse position.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Thats pretty much what I have.

    When player is clicked the Cop actor spawns the crosshairs to his (X,Y) and then the crosshairs (X,Y) are constrained to the mouse position.

    During the test that I posted about in my 2nd post I had an actor display text Mouse position Y and I found that Y was at max 320 no matter where I was in the scene. Thats where my theory of GS making bottom left always (0,0) and top right always (480,320) came from.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    maybe try doing it without spawning? maybe that's where the bug is?
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    I just loaded one of my older projects that has a large scene as well. I set up a test for an actor to display the mouse X and Y text. Once again it proved that no mater where I was in the scene the bottom left corner is (0,0) and top right is (480,320).

    I would really like to hear from someone at GS.... I know its about 1am here, so its probably around 3am for them in Texas, but I hope I will see a response by tomorrow.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    So lets see here. Its been 16 hours since I posted this issue and about 15 hours since I sent the GS team 2 emails, one for contact us and another under report a bug.

    Last time I checked I was a pro member and one of the "features" of a pro membership was "first priority tech support"

    So GS where is the support?? No response in thread Which I linked to in both of my emails. Not even an email acknowledging they received my message...

    Only person to help out was Jonmulcahy which I appreciate very much, but it seems we are both experiencing two different phenomena with GS and not the mention he is not even an employee of GS and yet he took the time to help.

    I will be out today, so this will be the last time I can check forum for at least another 6 hours. By that time I expect my "pro feature" to kick in and get some type of support even if it is just an acknowledgement that they are looking into it.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Player_E said:
    So lets see here. Its been 16 hours since I posted this issue and about 15 hours since I sent the GS team 2 emails, one for contact us and another under report a bug.

    Last time I checked I was a pro member and one of the "features" of a pro membership was "first priority tech support"

    So GS where is the support?? No response in thread Which I linked to in both of my emails. Not even an email acknowledging they received my message...

    Only person to help out was Jonmulcahy which I appreciate very much, but it seems we are both experiencing two different phenomena with GS and not the mention he is not even an employee of GS and yet he took the time to help.

    I will be out today, so this will be the last time I can check forum for at least another 6 hours. By that time I expect my "pro feature" to kick in and get some type of support even if it is just an acknowledgement that they are looking into it.

    It's a Sunday.


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
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  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Could it be that you need a camera offset?

    I had the same problem and I THINK this may fix it:

    Create 2 attributes named camx and can y. Create a new camera actor and drag it on your scene (out of the actual gameplay area). We are editing the instance of the cam actor.
    In the cam actor put 2 constrain attributes, 1)game.cam x to scene.cam.Origin.X, 2) game.camY to scene.cam.originY
    Next go to whichever actor your touching put in the rule:

    When touch is pressed 1) constrain attribute Action pointX to game.touch1X+game.Camx,
    2) do the same for Y

    I wasnt able to look at your problem closely, but I remember having a similar problem and then FMG or someone recommended this
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Thank you for responding CodeMonkey
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