Fright Control preview - work in progress by sciTunes
Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
Hi guys,
Here's a new one I just started. It uses a flight control interface but the objective is quite different. You have to plan your routes and time your launch to avoid the hearse, land mines, robotic mines, and open graves . Some of the special effects are yet to be done and some of the graphics are place holders (unless I can't improve them!). But I am starting to get excited about this one.
Sorry about the video quality - iShowU is not working for me, not sure why.
Here's a new one I just started. It uses a flight control interface but the objective is quite different. You have to plan your routes and time your launch to avoid the hearse, land mines, robotic mines, and open graves . Some of the special effects are yet to be done and some of the graphics are place holders (unless I can't improve them!). But I am starting to get excited about this one.
Sorry about the video quality - iShowU is not working for me, not sure why.
I said 'almost!'
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Eh. I'm always such in a hurry that I would have released it already. You guys put a lot of care in your games.
What do you guys think? I don't want to spend weeks laying out levels to find that it crashes.