Help I'm in deep trouble Member Posts: 20
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am lost, I have already had my app approved and on sale on the App store except, I cannot get it to work on any other phone, but my own??? I have an iPhone 4g, an iPhone 3GS , an iPod 2G and an iPod 4G with the retina display. I cannot for the life of me get my app to work on any of these except mine. The app loads the gamesalad logo, then my intro pays just fine, you press start and then it begins to load, then crashes. Am I missing something here? Could it have anything to do with my iPhone 4 being the only one with the provisions installed to it? I just can't image that being the issue. Otherwise everybody in the world would need my provision file. It works on all my simulations. I was certain it would at least work on the iPod 4G since that is essentially an iPhone4 without the phone. Please tell me there is a stupid reason for this. I don't want to pull my app, but I also don't want people to get cheated. I have already sent an update that shrinks the app down, but I feel like it has to be something else. Why only my phone??? Please help!



  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    Just restart your devices and delete the multitasking apps running in background :)

    Cheers, Weswog
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    What memory usage is the viewer showing when you run it?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    apple never would have approved if it crashed on opening. but double check your memory usage using the viewer, the iPhone4 has 512MB of ram, where the older devices only have 128.
  • Member Posts: 20
    Well, Apple did approve it, in 3 days no less. So I question if they even looked at it. I tried restarting and shutting down all apps running in the background. I also tried an iPad and they all do the same exact thing, load through the opening title sequence wait for input from user, when you press start it begins to load, then the screen goes black and it dumps me out to the main OS page where you choose your apps. It just seems like there is something weird going on, that every single device doesn't work with the exception of mine. Even other iPhone 4's don't work.

    Here are the numbers.

    Durning Into and wait card (for someone to push start)

    Frames per second : 60
    Memory Usage:

    Images 52.9MB
    Sound 0 KB
    Game Engine: 3.5 MB
    Other: 140.2 MB
    Total 196.7 MB

    During Gameplay

    Frames per second : 60.01
    Memory Usage:

    Images 154.5 MB
    Sound 5.7 KB
    Game Engine: 5.8 MB
    Other: 121.1 MB
    Total 287.0 MB

    Thanks for your help.
  • Member Posts: 20
    Ok, here is an update, it only works on iPhone4, but not the iPad, I thought they shared the same memory usage and architecture? So when you guys look a these numbers and go "HOLY COW! That's a memory hog". How do I go about optimizing it so it isn't and what should be my threshold? If I stay under a total of 128MB, it should work for all devices? Do even the bigest games out there "Infinity Blade" for example, use only 128MB of total memory? That's hard to believe. I'm no programmer (obviously that's why I use gamesalad), so troubleshooting memory leaks and usage is not my forte.

    Thanks again.
  • Member Posts: 20
    The gamesalad viewer is useless since my game runs in all variations of the emulator without crash or warning.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    The viewer is to check memory usage and functionality, but you need to use and adhoc build to really test your app.

    Those numbers are crazy high, what are your images? 24bit pngs? Over 50mb will crash anything under an iPhone 3GS, the reason your iphone4 is working because it has 512mb of ram vs 128 on old devices. The iPad has 256, which is better, but not as good as 512.

    What kind of app is it, post a YouTube video
  • Member Posts: 20
    The experience is basically a chef that yells at your for trying to take his Hamburger. The app is made up of a pool of 18 PNGs that range between 33KB and 70KB each. Since I was unable to use video (gamesalad does not support it) I had to create a bunch of animation sequences tied to sound cues. The idea is simple, but I have about 50 animation cycles with unique sound files that randomly load between presses. I will post a video shortly.
  • Member Posts: 20
    Video is up.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    What exactly is the point of this game?
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I thought the same at first, but I'm guessing its like a talking karl type game. Where by if you touch the screen the character interacts with you.

    sorry, im not sure why the memory usage is so high.
  • Member Posts: 20
    There is no point, it isn't a game, it's just a time waster. You can just turn it on and leave it on your desk, just to crack you up nothing more. It's huge because there are 60 animated responses with cycles that include up to 30 frames with audio. It is all built into one actor. 60*30 = 1800 frames being loaded. I have no way to manage the memory, like constantly dump while it loads, so it loads it all up in one shot. I need advice as to what to do short of cutting the experience in half. I appreciate the criticism, but right now I need help. Please

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