Pico Firme Bago Lite is Live and FREE!

emf715emf715 Member Posts: 16
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
My first GameSalad app is now live on the App Store!

Pico Firme Bago is a mastermind-like game in which you must break the computer's secret code. (Yes, most the world knows a version of this game as Pico Fermi Bagel -- long story, but in my classroom it will always be Pico Firme Bago).

This was my first try with GameSalad, I I just wanted to see if I could get my head around building the game's logic.

Anyway, download it at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pico-firme-bago-lite/id412344832?mt=8

Please rate it, leave a review, or let me know what you think.



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