iPhone or iPad version - which one is more profitable?

Hey gang,
my first app, the little composers trumpet is being very well received and my instinct that the world is ready to learn in different ways has proven true.
Someone told me to go with iPhone apps because iphone users outnumber ipad users but for some reason, it is my ipad app the receives most of the attention (and it doesn't even feature that beautiful blond lady on the cover like the clarinet app does!!) LOL
So, my question is: Since my time is limited, I need to prioritize and therefore value your opinion regarding what group i should target first?
There will eventually be versions for both but do you guys think that in order to keep the momentum going, I need to focus on ipad ... or not?
my first app, the little composers trumpet is being very well received and my instinct that the world is ready to learn in different ways has proven true.
Someone told me to go with iPhone apps because iphone users outnumber ipad users but for some reason, it is my ipad app the receives most of the attention (and it doesn't even feature that beautiful blond lady on the cover like the clarinet app does!!) LOL
So, my question is: Since my time is limited, I need to prioritize and therefore value your opinion regarding what group i should target first?
There will eventually be versions for both but do you guys think that in order to keep the momentum going, I need to focus on ipad ... or not?
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iPhone: 90%
iPad: 10%
In my case, the ipad version is getting all the attention and so i am making the piano, which i hope to send in to apple today, again first for the ipad with a iphone version to follow next year
I love the Netherlands! They are a very musical nation and hold the number one spot with downloads.
Hey, there is something else ...
The other day i discovered appannie and there i found my trumpet listings.
But when i go to the itunes store of a specific country, i can not find my app at all. What do the numbers which appannie displays mean?
thanks for clarifying
It's weird to discover an old post but still, the topic is of great interest to me and will be for a while.
Now, that I have over a month worth of tracking available to me, the winner is the iPad!
How ever, the windows version of my trumpet is catching up fast so in a few weeks, the picture will become very clear of where the best sales hide! :-)
Why not make the games in high enough res for the iPad then just resize them for the iPhone.
that's what i'll do on my next game : )
I don't make games and my stuff falls under the term "music / educational".
The apps are MUCH easier to use on larger screens and thus, the iPad receives more sales than the iPhone.
I have a pie chart that lists all of my 10 apps and the brake down is:
31.50 % - Magic Flute (iPad)
31.12 % - Electric Piano (iPad)
13.62 % - Little Trumpet HD (iPad)
11.25 % - Austrian Accordion (iPad)
5.25 % - Little Composers Trumpet (iPad & first app!)
7.25 % - Other < These are the three iPhone apps and one free iPad app which is not generating sales as it is a lite version.
So less than 10 % of my sales come from the phone apps!
Back then, when I posted I was advised to focus on the iPhone because of to favorable user base. Now I can clearly see that for what I do, the iPhone might as well not exist!