Random just not working.... and Move to stopping

CwbhCwbh Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am trying to make a actor move to a random location after being touched, it put at first random(0,480) for x and random(0,320) but the actor just moves a few squares away. I have changed the settings with no avail. Also my main character stops moving after it gets to the touch location. I have check Run to Complete on and off, with no luck either.

Help would be much appreciated

Running GS .90


  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi Cwbh; can't see that what you've done is any problem; in fact just done a small test to confirm it.

    When touch is pressed
    Change Attribute self.Position.X to random(0,480)
    Change Attribute self.Position.Y to random(0,320)

    That's what you have? It works just fine here. Any other Rules which might be affecting the positioning maybe?

    Edit: you mentioned Run to completion; in a Timer? How have you the Timer involved?

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  • CwbhCwbh Member Posts: 3
    Well, it only seems to move a short distance from the last movement instead of being more random (move from one side to another). I am not using a timer in this Actor, I am justing saying to follow the touch of your finger, but when it reaches your finger you have to release and then press again for it to keep following, strangely it still rotates to the touch even after it has reached the finger. The other Move To problem occurs when I find the distance between the boss and the player ( Sqrt{Playerx-Bossx^2+Playery-bossy^2} that is roughy the equation ) and if that is less than 50 go to player one (x,y). It seems to do this even though I am far away from the boss, also once the boss reaches me it will never move again, just rotate.


    P.S. The Move To problem occurs in two actors
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