Big problem with apps

kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So im running into some major complaints again from customers not happy with zombie bubbles. 1.5 ran awesomely and most people did not have issues with it. But that was on the old 0.89GS software.

now with the most recent update zombie bubbles 2.0 using GS .9 people are flooding my inbox with emails saying that the app crashes at start up. so i did some investigating and eventually figured out that for people updating from an older version to the new version the app will crash non stop. iv been able to narrow it down to only iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch *newest generation*

A short time fix is to uninstall your app and reset your iphone. then reinstall the app. This is the worst way to tell someone to fix the problem. it drives them away never wanting to look back because it seems like a cheep answer to the problem.

So any ideas what could be causing this problem? i had to resort to putting my app for free on the app marketplace. this way people dont feel like there getting ripped off for a faulty product.

Will GS ever give us debugging tools :(? id love to run my apps threw a debugger before i uploaded it to apple then having this explosion.

Thanks for any advice


  • kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
    Bump, anyone ideas? raeally need help solving this
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    From my experience, the most likely cause for a crash on older iOS hardware — but not newer iOS hardware — is not enough memory. So... that's not too hard to check. If your game is running at +40MB of memory, it's likely going to crash on older hardware.

    A big change with GameSalad is the video. I'm not sure what that does to memory, but I imagine that it's not good. If your app was borderline before, the new update might have pushed your game over the edge.
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    hi.....I find if I have something going a fade or the app loads it crashes...also look for missing assets in your app....also send out BUILDs so other GS devs can test......

  • kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
    yeah i know its not bigger. the app was smaller when i published it the second time. went from 18.7mb to 12.7mb. and again this only affects people that are updating. not installing a fresh copy. i also know that the game runs less memory.
  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    Yeah every single person who downloads my game at work has told me it crashes on startup. This URGENTLY needs to be fixed. I also published an update to an older game (which was 17mb from 0.8.9), which turned into a 47mb file through 0.9 after adding a button to turn off music?
  • kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
    juzcook said:
    Yeah every single person who downloads my game at work has told me it crashes on startup. This URGENTLY needs to be fixed.

    yeah im getting 30-60 emails a day from people saying it wont work on startup :/
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    If they crash so frequently, it doesn't make sense that they're getting past Apple's review process.
  • kadinshinokadinshino Member Posts: 82
    Photics said:
    If they crash so frequently, it doesn't make sense that they're getting past Apple's review process.

    if you read threw my post you would have notice that its only on updates. not for people that are installing it the first time. apple dose not test the update proses. only to see if it runs. also its only affecting people with iphone 3GS and iPodtouch 4th generation.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Interesting... with that new (to me) information... I'd probably do something different in this scenario. If it was my game, I'd check the saved attributes. If my game was using them, I'd change all the names of the saved attributes... make sure there were no misplaced behaviors... send an update to Apple and tell them to expedite it because it might be a crash fix. I'd explain the problem to them too.

    Also, did you check your crash logs in iTunes Connect? Maybe GameSalad can use that information to track down the problem.
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