snatchsnatch Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey all,
So we opened up our game in gs, and when we clicked on our main actor, the spaceship, the program
freezes and does not load the rules for the actor. Other actors that have fewer rules do open, however.

uh oh. What do we do??
please help, we're trying to send out an update for our game, Galactic Odyssey, which is on the App store.


  • EmrysEmrys Member Posts: 38
    One of my main actors lost at least one rule.
    When I opened a slightly older version the rule was there, so I cut and pasted into the newer version.
    Seems to work.

    Good luck! Hope your fix is as easy.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    To narrow down the issue, do you happen to use copied rules that have references to scene attributes in the Prototype? e.g. copying a behavior from an unlocked instance or a saved My Behavior, and paste it in the prototype?
  • snatchsnatch Member Posts: 17
    thanks for replying, codemonkey.
    yes, we do have references to scene attributes in the prototype. However, neither the unlocked version nor the prototype opens into actor editor properly (both crash the program).
    There's only one of each main actor per scene. Some are still locked, but most are unlocked.
    Is this the problem? If so, how can we fix it? We can't remove these references to scene attributes- the main actor accelerates toward other actors in the various levels.
    We have for now gone back to 0.8.9, but that won't let us publish a .app file to push as an update.
    when we preview the app in 0.9.0, a whole bunch of new bugs come up that aren't present in 0.8.9-entire actors stop working properly (for example, in our space game, the black holes stopped working in 0.9.0, but everything works fine in 0.8.9)
    thanks for the help.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I have exactly the same problem, click on an actor and it freezes the game although i can edit the prototype but of course cant add any attributes which is another bug.

    This actor has a constrain camera rule attached.

  • snatchsnatch Member Posts: 17
    I'm bumping this because it's still a problem we are facing today... please help! CodeMonkey, you still there?

    Neither our prototype nor unlocked instances will open..when double clicked, they simple freeze the program.
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