Enraging Glitches

RickyRicky Member Posts: 58
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have experienced a series of extremely frustrating glitches in my work. First, the controls of my platformer game became so unresponsive that I dropped the entire project because I could not fix the problem. This happened without me changing ANYTHING to ANY of the actors. In conclusion, I began a new project. And now, 50% of my actors will not carry out their behaviours. This happened instantly. Again, I had changed NOTHING, to the actors, and things have gone utterly fubar! I am beginning to ponder if this is a conspiracy. I don't know why it would be, but these occurrences are stopping me dead in my tracks.

Does anyone have any solutions? Has this happened to anyone before?

Yes, I have rebooted.
Yes, I have recreated the unresponsive actors.
Yes, I have tried recreating actor behaviours.


  • Mr-GreenMr-Green Member Posts: 6
    what version of GS are you working with? some people are experiencing problems with 0.9 with actors and behaviors not working like they used to. also you can up load pieces of it to the web as a downloadable for help. the community here is always rdy to help...
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Did you copy and paste things from one project to another? If so, check all the rules for attributes that only say "game" or " self" with nothing else after it and check ALL otherwise sections. Those damn otherwise sections always get me!

    Good luck!
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