Space Fortress - just released, free game!

rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Space Fortress - free game!

Hey All,
I have been lurking here on the forums for quite awhile working on a "test game" using Gamesalad. Anyway, I just had the game released on the app store. It is basically a remake of the old arcade game Star Castle. Its funny because I didnt realize until I was almost done with the game that a similar game was made with Gamesalad called Star Keep, I think.

I think the game is ok, pretty simple and not too buggy. I think the control of the ship feels good. I like the fact that you can "slide or roll" your thumb back and forth on the turn controls and it works as you would expect (meaning that it handles hitting two turn buttons at once). Also, something that might be interesting to some folks here is a work around that I found for having the screen wrap without going all the way to the bottom of the screen. Kind of hard to explain, but I wanted to have dedicated control buttons that were not in the play field, but I still wanted the player ship to be able to wrap from top to bottom when it crosses the threshold where the buttons are located. The workaround itself involved having the whole game upside down, which is kind of funny.

Anyway, would be cool to have some feedback, if you are able.

NOTE: game requires 3GS or higher to operate.

Thanks in advance,



  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Does it have pro features
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    Yes, I guess so. I have a link to a basic website I set up a short while ago. No Iads since it didnt seem worth it.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    you didnt put iads in your game
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    No, I personally find them annoying. I do have an "About" screen that gives some info on contacting me if a company wants to have a game developed for them. Like I said, this game was mostly a test, but I think it plays pretty well for what it is.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    I just download your game,, i love it
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    and your url is not working on the about page
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    did you hit the text at the very bottom where it says... "press here to go directly to the website"? I didnt want the actual url to send you to the page since sometimes people dont expect to be taken out of the game when doing that. So I added a VERY explicit description that you would leave the game if you press the button
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    I pressed the button at the bottom,but it took me to the main menu
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    weird... I actually cant download and play my own game since I dont have a 3gs or higher iphone and my wife's phone i cant use since she is out of town. I dont suppose you are using a itouch and are not connected to the internet? If so, i guess that would be the default behavior when trying to connect to a url when not online.
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    im using an iphone 3gs
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    thanks for telling me that, appreciate it!
    i guess I will check that out when my wife gets home. Strange that the testers at apple never found that or that if they did, they didnt "kick" the app back. I am used to much more harsh treatment of bugs on console games, i guess.
  • PortymanPortyman Member, PRO Posts: 409
    Like the game. How did you get the skidding effect and the flame acceleration Animation?
  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    Thanks... If you mean the player ship's movement by skidding, it was just playing with physics settings until I got what I wanted. If wanted the ship to have much more "drag" than in other space games since you are flying around a stationary object a lot. The thrust effect is just an actor constrained to the ship with a looping animation that gets hidden and un-hidden when thrust is activated(by changing the alpha for it)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    It was Adado made a version of this called 'Star Keep' many moons ago - loved that!

    And I have to say - the presentation in the game is awesome - especially the menu screens - congrats!

    I recognised the in-game graphics from Tyrian I think - Dan Cook put them up a while ago for free, and they are excellent. Really suit the game.

    The only issue I have, and it's a minor quibble really, is that the fire button should really be on the far right of the screen, instead of the thrust. If you swapped those two buttons around, I think it would make a huge difference.

    Still - looks great - classic gameplay - presented beautifully! And all for free! Sincere congrats and props to you, sir!

    QS :D

    P.s - I put a link to your game in your original post - hope you don't mind!

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    @quantum sheep,
    thanks for adding the link and you are right, I used the Tyrion graphics for the ingame stuff. I have toyed with having the fire and thrust buttons switched and different people like either way, considering adding an option to flip the buttons, but not sure how much more work I want to put into it, sort of want to work on something else.

    Speaking of Dan Cook, I actually used to work and am friends with the guy that did the coding for Dan's Kindle game Tripe Crown, small world in game development, I guess...

    By the way, I am also considering upping the initial difficulty of the game. I have difficulty levels that you can select, but lets face it, most people wont change the initial settings and since the game is really basic and free, it might be better to have it initially more challenging. It gets challenging eventually, but the ramp up might be a little too slow, what do you think?

    Also, I know you are continuing to make more games and if you liked the Menu screens and in game HUD art, I can send you contact info for the artist that I used. I used to work with him and he is currently looking for projects to work on. If interested, send me an email at rick_email at yahoo dot com

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Hey Rick,

    I'll certainly be in contact with your colleague - you can never know too many artists! :D

    RE: the fire button - in most iphone games, the fire button is on the far right of the screen. I find it's just easier to get to (you don't have to look down at the screen to see where it is - it's just 'there' on the end!).

    Good luck with the game - it's better than a whole lot of paid games, believe me!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Just downloaded and reviewed it in the french store. Great job
  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644
    So.. You have been "rotstiked" huh?
    If I just knew who he is...
    All in all great game. Can't believe you keep that free.. :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    cbt said:
    So.. You have been "rotstiked" huh?
    If I just knew who he is...

    I feel sorry for the guy to be honest...

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • rickdalrickdal Member Posts: 30
    Yeah, I guess I got "rosticked", but you know, as a game designer you have to learn to have a thick skin. One thing I find interesting is that usually harsh critics' words usually contain some grains of truth to them. AND if it affects you as the designer it's usually because you might have had some of the same thoughts in the back of your mind and it sucks to get called on it. Anyway, I was actually concerned that my game initially was a little too easy, and I think rostick's comment made me face it. So, I have made an update awaiting apple approval, more challenging to start, bug fixes and an added occassional "guard ship" like the wandering ufos in asteroids....

    I think the new version when aaproved might be worthy of bugging review sites about. Then hopefully make a "real" game that can make some money..,
    thanks for the feedback all...
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