Publishing Server problems

chrisalchrisal Member Posts: 74
edited November -1 in Tech Support
How long is the publishing server going to be down?????


  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Same here, I've been trying 2 days to get this thing updated!
    First I had bundle errors, now I have server business!
    I assume that both these problems are things that we are unable to sort out at our end, so please sort them out at your end!
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey, everybody.

    Our dev team is hard at work resolving the issues with our publishing server. First, we had some memory problems, but those have been resolved. Now we're putting the finishing touches on a patch that will fix the rest of the issues. That patch should be implemented in the day or two and will be done server side. You won't need to do anything, short of logging out and logging back in, I believe. Thanks for your patience and we're working to get this all fixed ASAP.

    Thanks again.

    - Yodapollo
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Thanks Yoda! Didn't mean to get shirty, but it's frustrating being so near yet so far!! Anyway, I may be in luck - app has successfully built and is uploading to Apple as we speak....small confession to make is looking probable that on my previous attempts I had the wrong bundle identifier selected :l we'll see in a minute if it works! So, that one could be my bad. Now, the GS server issue..
    I understand these issues have been hard to track down for you, I may now have a clue or two for you - here's what I did differently this time...

    Last time -
    The portfolio screen seemed unresponsive and would not open my project, only seemed to hang with the black loading spinner, spinning forever over the project icon.

    STOP PRESS! Success! Apple have my update, now in review!PHEW...

    Ok, back to last time... So, instead of choosing my app from the project Portfolio screen, I used File>Open Recent, like any sane person would, and everything appeared normal, apart from the server issues at the last hurdle.

    This Time....
    I again tried the portfolio screen, and again got a hang with the loading spinner.
    I decided to ask on the forum if any one else was having this issue.
    Half way through the forum! My project finally loaded!
    All my scene images (the thumbnail grabs) were gone, and even the project image was now the default grey GS logo. So, I regrabbed all the scene thumbnails and resaved the project.
    And tried the whole publish again.
    And it worked!!

    Food for thought? Is there something in the portfolio load system that resets something properly, where a file>load doesn't?

    The only other thing I did differently was to make my update a whole number, using 2.0 instead of 1.2 as someone else had suggested - but, I definitely tried with only that change, and it still didn't work.

    Hope this helps anyone?!
    Cheers Y'all!
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